How cleaning your laundry can help contain COVID-19? Washpro Laundry Pickup Service takes every necessary precaution to ensure your laundry is sanitized and disinfected to the maximum possible extent.
Written by Mark Brezinski
Updated March 11, 2020
As the number of COVID-19 infections worldwide?continues to rise, it’s important for us all to do our part in limiting its spread. The best way to do that is simply by?frequently and thoroughly washing your hands. But what about your clothes?
According to the CDC, coronaviruses like COVID-19 can survive on surfaces anywhere from a few hours to a few days. While it’s more likely to catch COVID-19 from hard surfaces that are frequently touched, like door knobs or railings, there is still a chance it can be transmitted via your clothes.
The facts about viruses living on clothing
While research is still being done, we do know COVID-19 is mainly being spread via droplets emitted during coughing or sneezing. As such, the most effective precautionary measures are to:- Stay two meters away from anyone who’s coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Should you change the way you do laundry?
While the CDC doesn’t specifically outline any changes to your typical laundry routine, they do provide?a list of best practices?when doing laundry for someone who’s ill:- Ideally, wear disposable gloves and discard them after each use. When using reusable gloves, only use those gloves for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces infected with COVID-19?do not use them for any other household purpose. Wash your hands immediately after using the gloves.
- If you aren’t using gloves when handling dirty laundry, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands afterwards.
- Try to not shake the dirty laundry. Shaking the laundry carries a possibility of dispersing the virus through the air.
- If possible, use the warmest water setting on your washer and ensure items are dried completely afterwards.
- Dirty laundry from an ill person can be washed with other people’s items.
- If possible, consider placing a bag liner in your hamper that’s disposable or can be laundered. Otherwise, ensure the hamper itself is washed and sanitized.
How often should you be washing clothes right now?
Unless you’re actively dealing with someone infected with COVID-19, you can keep washing your laundry the normal amount. If you are coming into contact with someone infected with the virus, however, it’s probably a good idea to launder your clothes afterwards to ensure you’re limiting the virus’s ability to spread. Again, while doing your laundry can help reduce some risk of spreading the virus, it’s nowhere near as effective as consistently washing your hands.Does washing clothes kill viruses like coronavirus?
This is a tricky question, because the technically correct answer might be misleading. In short, no, washing your clothes won’t kill COVID-19, but it will still clean it off of your clothes. The CDC offers these definitions for “cleaning” and “disinfecting”:- Cleaning?refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces. Cleaning does not kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.
- Disinfecting?refers to using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection.